Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

I'm absolutely amazed how fast it goes by.  We spent weeks sometimes months getting ready.. And it's over in a heartbeat..  Well, round 1 is anyways.  Thankfully, we get a few days to rest up and then we head to Madison for Round 2 and New Years with Chad's family.   We were very lucky to spend Christmas happy and healthy.  Several other family members and friends were not so lucky. Christmas Eve began with the Children's Mass at Cathedral.. followed by a little game night at our house.  The dice game and catch phrase are always a hit filled with lots of laughter. 
 This morning the kids were up by 7.. which isn't too bad to see if Santa came.  He left a nice note and reminded them to be better listeners.. But he only had Alli's stocking under the tree.. WHAT?? A he hid Sydney and Tyler's stocking and gifts in the toy room..whew! So the chaos of gift opening began..and what a mess they can make.  After trying to clean it up a bit, Chad started making tetrazinni for dinner.  We exchanged gifts, had dinner at mom and dad's house and enjoyed a nice afternoon there. Thankfully, my allergies cooperated and we were able to stay.  Now it's PJ time and some Packer football.  
Hope everyone else enjoyed a joyous holiday!